Services Via Telehealth
Psychiatric Assessment and Management Plans
GPs provide the vast majority of mental healthcare in Australia. Those in regional areas are also amongst the most time pressured doctors, with the least access to medical specialists. Fortunately, for mental health conditions, telehealth can help connect regional GPs to expert Psychiatric advice.
Having a Psychiatrist provide a detailed Assessment and Management Plan can ensure that mental health treatment at the local level is at the same quality as seeing a specialist in the city. We can now offer appointments in capital cities too!
Often people have been struggling with their mental health for years on the same treatment, or even no treatment and telehealth allows for a fresh look at the situation. Mental health treatment is constantly changing with new medications, psychological methods and increasing understanding of the connection between body and mind. It can be of considerable benefit to have your situation reviewed and see if positive changes can be made. Even in really difficult circumstances some improvement is almost always possible, and there are many examples of where people have experienced complete recovery just by updating their treatment.
Dr Nandam will take a comprehensive history including your current problems, how they happened, present treatment and your full medical history. Family members, carers and support workers are always encouraged to attend to provide extra information and support. After all the information is gathered, a Management Plan will be made with you. A written report will then be sent to your GP to dispense any medication and will remain in your records, frequently on the same day. Patients are also welcome to a copy.
Medicare and the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) allows for 1 bulk billed Assessment and Management Plan (Item 291) every 12 months.
This appointment is fully bulk billed with no out of pocket expense if the patient lives in Rural or Remote Australia. To check, click here and select the Modified Monash Model, 2019 - areas MM2-MM7 are covered. Rural and Remote patients may also have a second appointment (293) bulk billed.
For patients that live in Metropolitan areas (MM1), the fee for an appointment is $635 and you will receive a Medicare rebate of $412.85. Payments need to be made the day before an appointment and the rebate will be processed by our office the day of their appointment. Subsequent appointments are charged at $387 with a rebate of $258.15.
Non attendance at appointments attracts a cancellation fee of $192.50 and there is no Medicare rebate available for a cancellation.
WorkCover Treatment
Modern workplaces are complex environments where stress, bullying and the emotional effects of physical injury do occur. Coping with a psychological injury from work is difficult but WorkCover Queensland and other industry insurers, can help fund treatment to get you on the path to recovery.
Your GP can make an application to WorkCover for treatment if your emotional symptoms have been caused by your employment. If you are unable to work, WorkCover may also be able to provide wages whilst you recover.
Negotiating the WorkCover process can, however, be complex. Dr Nandam has extensive experience liaising with WorkCover and Self Insurer's to provide treatment to injured workers to help them get better quickly and safely.
Dr Nandam can provide regular telehealth treatment for WorkCover Queensland and industry insured workers, including writing specialist reports, liaising with Occupational Rehabilitation and other medical specialists.
Examination (IME)
Insurance providers, law firms, superannuation funds and government organisations frequently require independent medical examination of their members who live in regional Australia. Obtaining IME's for this population is hard because of the cost, travel, and difficulty coordinating appointments with city based medical specialists. Members with psychological difficulties are also further traumatised by having to travel far from home, often by themselves, and undergo assessment in an unfamiliar environment.
Using telehealth, members from regional Australia can complete high quality psychiatric IME at the same standard as face to face assessment without having to travel. They can also be more easily seen with the support of local family and healthcare providers who would otherwise be unable to travel with them. This is a better service for the person and can provide significant cost savings for the organisation.
Dr Nandam has over 15 years’ experience in IME, both face to face and using telehealth. He has provided reports for QSuper, CommInsure, Wesfarmers, Coles, Aurizon, Brisbane City Council, Queensland Police Service, Queensland Rail, CityCover City of Gold Coast, Local Government Association, WorkCover Queensland and plaintiff law firms. His expertise has been recognised through accreditation with the WorkCover Queensland IME Panel and appointment as a Member of the QCOMP General Medical Assessment Tribunal.
Please note IME reports cannot be directly released to the examinee and must be requested via the referrer.
Information for Referrers
Dr Nandam requires a referral letter from a GP.
We then contact your surgery to make a suitable time and then contact the patient. Patients are contacted within 48 business hours of receiving the referral. Please send referrals by fax, email or via the Contact Us
Please ensure patient contact details are up to date.